Wednesday, September 7, 2011

labor day weekend. anniversary. goodness.

We had a fun filled labor day weekend. Not only was it fun to have so many things going on. But we also got to celebrate our second anniversary.

On Friday. My dearest and oldest friend Steph. Not by age. But because we have known each other since we pooped in diapers. Came into town to visit. Her parent's had a bbq and we had a great evening filled with margaritas, food, talking, staying up too late, and our famous game of sherades.
Onto Saturday. I made my mom a piece of canvas artwork for her birthday. That took up most of the day and making her a pistachio bundt cake. For the festivities we went to Hogs Wallow Pub. It was a fun time and the cake was a hit.
Sunday was Godly filled with church in the morning. I then had to rush home to make my red velvet cake brownies and cream cheese frosting for our church small group bbq later that evening. We took the dogs to the park for some sun and fun. And then headed off to Raine's house. It was a blast. And chatting for hours never got old.

Anniversary day. Two years. Holy crap time flies. We kept it more low key this year. Which was totally fine with us. Scott had to work the morning so he suprised me with Jamba Juice for breakfast and a red rose. We then decided to do a lot of our favorite things. We went and played tennis, went to Cafe Rio for dinner, went to a movie, and got Marble Slab Creamery for dessert. But. My favorite thing from this day was the paragraph Scott posted on his facebook that morning:
"They say the first 2 years of marriage are the hardest, well if thats the case then I am in for a long, fun, blessed and loving life. As each minute passes we die a little more and I am happy to be spending those minutes with my beautiful bride Brooklyn Foster. Happy anniversary baby!"
Isn't he totally amazing? Love him. Two down. Lots more to go.

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