Sunday, September 30, 2012

everything baby.

I was so blessed to have been given two baby shower's. The first was hosted by my girlies Krystal, Glory, Shanda, and Robyn. They did a "Sprinkled with Love" theme which was so cute. They had a frozen yogurt bar with all the trimmings. And there's no way I'll pass on frozen yogurt with all the goods!
And the second. Of course. Was hosted by my wonderful mother. This was a special shower because on top of friends, a lot of family from out of town even came in for it. I was blessed to have Nana, Aunt Deb, Cousin Shelley, and both of my sister's fly into town!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

three years.

Our anniversary was yesterday. Three years ago I married my soul mate. My best friend. And the most wonderful man. It's crazy how fast time goes by. And I wouldn't want to share that time with anyone else. Here's a couple photos from our relaxing but fun day.

Monday, September 3, 2012


Today is mother's birthday. She is such a great mom. I hope I can be as good of a mom as she has been. To celebrate, we took her to breakfast and then went and spent the afternoon at Gardner Village.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

chub club.

Hello everyone and welcome to the chub club. Haha. I am almost 31 weeks in this photo. Time has started to fly by and we are trying to get as prepared as we can. We were given her crib by Scott's Aunt, Nana, and cousin. For which we are very thankful. I love it! My mom gave us a rocker and my friend Ali is working on the bedding. So things are starting to come together which is really exciting. We have been beyond busy with baby stuff, church events, and work. I'm looking forward to the Fall, fitting in my old clothes, and of course. Baby girl! 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


We have been so extremely busy. But a lot of the busy-ness has also been fun. Steph came in town for a couple days and mother Teresa had the annual barbecque. I look forward to this every year and to seeing Steph anytime I can. She will be flying in the second week of November to see baby. So all the more reason for things to look forward too. With my small group girls we did a fun paint night activity. Everyone's projects turned out great and I'm so thankful for those girls. Scott is gearing up for his favorite boy's thing of the year. His fantasy football drafts. He's also playing in a softball and basketball league.

Monday, July 30, 2012

pregnancy update.

I am now 26 weeks and am loving every minute of it. I have to admit that the sore hips, sore back, and indigestion are not my favorite parts. But I absolutely love feeling her kick and move as she is doing it quite often now. We have been really busy this month and July has seemed to fly by. As badly as I want to meet baby girl. We can definitely use these last months to prepare. And of course, we want her to "cook" for as long as she needs to in order to be healthy. These photos are a little old. My growth photo is at 25 weeks and the ultrasound photo is of her at 20 weeks.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

st. george getaway.

We planned a vaca getaway with the Crows to St. George. We had a fun time seeing Aladdin at the Tuacahn Amphitheatre. Eating fattening food. Lots of pool time. Going golfing. And playing games. Great memories to add to two thousand and twelve.

Monday, July 2, 2012


The women's USA national soccer team had a game against Canada here in SLC. I have never been able to go to a game of theirs, so we got tickets. It was such a fun experience. It was their last game before they head to London for the Olympics. And a great way to headstart our patriotism for the week of the fourth of July.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

nineteen weeks.

Wow. It is so crazy how fast everything happens. My pants have been a little tight for awhile. But it seems like right when I hit the eighteen week mark. There was no going back. My belly popped and I felt the first movement. I'm totally embracing this body change and with each week passing, I become more and more thankful for this amazing little miracle! We got a cheapo dresser off of ksl. Scott has started to refinish it and I can't wait to see it done. We are getting really excited for this life change and welcoming baby girl. Almost halfway done.

Thursday, May 31, 2012


It's a GIRL. And we are so suprised/excited! We had a gender reveal cake party to find out with family and close friend's the gender. I had my ultrasound yesterday. It was so hard to have to keep looking away while she was looking at gender parts. The nurse called our cake lady to tell her the gender so we could be just as suprised as everyone. And suprised we were. We both were convinced it was a boy. Nope. A girl. And I can't wait. My friend Ashley from AShley Scott Photography was so kind to come and take photos of our exciting event. We had everyone guess the gender by taking a mustache stick or a lips stick. Then we cut the cake and the middle icing layer color revealed the gender.....PINK!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

modge podge.

May is always a super busy month for us. But it has been a special one. For Mother's Day. Scottie woke me up early and handed me a box from Nordstrom's. This is odd for two reasons. We never shop at Nordstrom's because it is so expensive. And second. I've never even been into a Nordstrom's with Scottie. To my suprise. He got me a Petunia Pickle Bottom diaper bag. Now some of you probably are like. Ok a diaper bag. Woo hoo. But really. I look at these on ebay like everyday and never believed I would own one! I thought it was so special for him to find out where they sell them and get me such a special gift for my first Mother's Day. It also counted as my birthday gift. But I'd take that any day! Here's my Petunia.
As for birthday's. We started out mine serving food to the homeless downtown. My mom then took me to our yearly tradition of lunch and pedicures. And Scottie finished off the night taking me minature golfing with some friends. Scottie had to work on his birthday this year. So we went with some friends to the Green Pig Grill and Pub downtown over the weekend. Their food is so good. And then we went to his mom's for dinner on his actual birthday.

And today. We find out baby's gender. Great month? I think so! God is good.

Monday, May 7, 2012

usu graduation.

Although Scottie finished his classes six months ago. His graduation walking ceremony was on Saturday up in Logan at Utah State University. It was so nice to celebrate his hard work and this big accomplishment. We had a great day with family and then a fun night at the Jazz game with friends. Good job babe! Proud wife of a graduate with a Bachelor of Science.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

baby bean.

Last night I had my second check up. Dr. Epstein hooked me up to a fetal heart monitor and it all sounded great! We can't wait until our appointment on May 30 when we can see our baby again on ultrasound and find out the gender! Mexican food is still so great. And I'm starting to not feel so tired. Here is a photo of me at 13.5 weeks.

Friday, April 27, 2012

lower bowl.

Thanks to my broski, Nathan. Husband was able to take me on a date to a Jazz game last weekend. Impressive statistic about this date. Is that we were on the twelth row! I've never ever been that close. It turned out to be a great game against the Orlando Magic. It went into overtime and we won. Which always makes the win that much sweeter. It was so great to have a fun night together. Especially since I haven't been to a Jazz game this year.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


No. That is not as in. Husband babe. But BABY! A real one! We found out over a month ago that our first fertility IUI worked and we were pregnant. This is seriously such a special blessing from Him and one that gives me the upmost joy. We had our first appointment and ultrasound yesterday. It had a healthy heartbeat and was moving its arms. WE ARE NOT ANNOUNCING OUR NEWS FOR A FEW MORE WEEKS, SO PLEASE DON'T SHARE WITH ANYONE OR POST ANYTHING ON FACEBOOK. THANKS :) Here is our ultrasound photo and a photo of me at nine weeks. I have been lucky and haven't gotten sick at all. But I do feel chubs, am extremely tired most of the time, and could eat Mexican food like it's no one's business.  

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

omaha is fattening.

Father flew us out to Omaha last week to visit. It was such perfect timing because Kristen was home from college for Spring Break. And well. Who wouldn't enjoy five days of vacation with family. We were treated to all of our favorite Omaha restaurants. And I mean all. We seriously both gained at least five pounds. Father even bought us tickets to the Hunger Games midnight premier. Kristen and I were so excited because we both have read the series. Scott was along for the ride but actually enjoyed the movie. We also got to do some fun shopping trips and hang out with my friend Laura and her boyfriend. I am a bad bad vacationer. And only one photo was taken of the entire trip. Ever seen a homemade marshmallow for sale? We hadn't either. While hanging with Laura and Chris we wandered into a cupcake shop and wa-la. Here she was. None of us liked it. The presentation was much more appealing. Hope we can go out there again sometime soon! 

Monday, February 27, 2012

the elmont's.

Our good friends Kelsey and Brandon got married on February 24, 2012.We were both in their line. Although we couldn't go to their ceremony because it was in the Mormon temple. We were so happy to be a part of their big day and celebrations. They are such great friends. And Kels looked beautiful.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

a valentines to remember.

A day dedicated to love. How great is that?! Our Valentine's this year was pretty special. We got cleared on Monday for insemination. So yesterday we were inseminated. And what a better day for it to land on. Then Valentine's. I know it's not a guarantee. But it was such a special day to be given hope for such a wanted blessing. I'll spare the details. Although some are quite funny. But it seemed to go well and the only downside is that my uterus/abdominal area feels like it was a punted football. I'll take that any day though. Especially if it worked. Oh. And husband suprised me with a candlelight dinner that he had made when I got home from work. I sure love my Valentine. Xoxo. 

Monday, February 6, 2012


This last week we finally got good news. My cysts had shrunk within allowed fertility range. So I was able to start my medications and get my treatment calender. This is exciting because it's the first time we've been able to actually start doing something that will hopefully help aid in pregnancy. I have an ultrasound appointment on Thursday which will tell us how my follicles are developing, how many are developing, and if they are healthy ones. This whole fertility nonsense is like a second j-o-b. Well, I guess a third j-o-b. Since this week I'll be working Rama after the firm because of Valentines. Craziness.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

the dreaded eff word.

Fertility. For most, this word brings joy, health, and family. But for us. Not so much. Those of you close to us are already aware, so I won't go into much detail. This isn't as much of an informative post as it is a venting one. My whole desire in life has been to be happily married and to have a family. Well. I have the first. My husband is the greatest ever. I believe that coming from a small, broken family implanted these feelings and goals in me. It's crazy growing up how you assume everything will work how you want. And when you want it to. I always had a feeling that getting pregnant would be a little tougher for me. But never did I assume that it would be a huge trial. An overwhelming experience. So mentally, physically, and economically draining. Finding out today that we still cannot start our fertility treatments because of things that keep happening with my body, was extremely hard. But I believe God puts trials in our life for a reason. So for the next two weeks. I will be transfixed with this Bible verse. 'Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight."
-Proverbs 3:5-6   
And also taking these. Please little pills. Do your thing!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Happy New Year to everyone. Although 2011 was a pretty great year for us. I am in no way sad to see it go. There are too many things that we have to be thankful and hopeful for in this New Year.
Highlights of 2011:
Finding our home church.
Kristen's high school graduation.
I ran my first 5k.
Scott's college graduation.

Looking ahead to 2012:
Hopes for a baby.
Scott's new job possibilities.
Much needed vaca's. None set in stone yet.