Friday, April 27, 2012

lower bowl.

Thanks to my broski, Nathan. Husband was able to take me on a date to a Jazz game last weekend. Impressive statistic about this date. Is that we were on the twelth row! I've never ever been that close. It turned out to be a great game against the Orlando Magic. It went into overtime and we won. Which always makes the win that much sweeter. It was so great to have a fun night together. Especially since I haven't been to a Jazz game this year.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


No. That is not as in. Husband babe. But BABY! A real one! We found out over a month ago that our first fertility IUI worked and we were pregnant. This is seriously such a special blessing from Him and one that gives me the upmost joy. We had our first appointment and ultrasound yesterday. It had a healthy heartbeat and was moving its arms. WE ARE NOT ANNOUNCING OUR NEWS FOR A FEW MORE WEEKS, SO PLEASE DON'T SHARE WITH ANYONE OR POST ANYTHING ON FACEBOOK. THANKS :) Here is our ultrasound photo and a photo of me at nine weeks. I have been lucky and haven't gotten sick at all. But I do feel chubs, am extremely tired most of the time, and could eat Mexican food like it's no one's business.