Tuesday, January 10, 2012

the dreaded eff word.

Fertility. For most, this word brings joy, health, and family. But for us. Not so much. Those of you close to us are already aware, so I won't go into much detail. This isn't as much of an informative post as it is a venting one. My whole desire in life has been to be happily married and to have a family. Well. I have the first. My husband is the greatest ever. I believe that coming from a small, broken family implanted these feelings and goals in me. It's crazy growing up how you assume everything will work how you want. And when you want it to. I always had a feeling that getting pregnant would be a little tougher for me. But never did I assume that it would be a huge trial. An overwhelming experience. So mentally, physically, and economically draining. Finding out today that we still cannot start our fertility treatments because of things that keep happening with my body, was extremely hard. But I believe God puts trials in our life for a reason. So for the next two weeks. I will be transfixed with this Bible verse. 'Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight."
-Proverbs 3:5-6   
And also taking these. Please little pills. Do your thing!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Happy New Year to everyone. Although 2011 was a pretty great year for us. I am in no way sad to see it go. There are too many things that we have to be thankful and hopeful for in this New Year.
Highlights of 2011:
Finding our home church.
Kristen's high school graduation.
I ran my first 5k.
Scott's college graduation.

Looking ahead to 2012:
Hopes for a baby.
Scott's new job possibilities.
Much needed vaca's. None set in stone yet.